The vision and history of Guruz
Why call it Guruz?
“Guru” comes from Sanskrit, a classical ancient Indian language, which means a “Teacher, Guide or Mentor”, who helps you discover and realize your true potential.
In the Indian tradition, the term “Guru” is based on the syllables ‘GU’ meaning darkness and ‘RU’ meaning he who dispels darkness. It literally means “someone who dispels darkness of ignorance with light of knowledge”.
Guru is a guide, who with his wisdom and experience, brings awareness to others. Someone, who refines your worth and tirelessly monitors it and is keen to make you a WINNER / SUCCESSFUL……… Though these days it is often used for anyone who holds some expertise in said field.
So, coming to GURUZ …….. Lot of times the question comes ‘Why call it GURUZ??’. I have had the good fortune of having some really wonderful teachers in my life and whatever I have learned from them is what makes me the man that I am today. It is only fair to dedicate my biggest venture in life to all those who’ve been my Mentors. As I would like to believe, that it belongs to them who have had my back always and given me the strength and courage to reach where I am today. Their belief in me has been my guiding light.

The journey
It has been a long journey till ‘Guruz’. Though there have been many on life’s path who have held my hand and helped me along; but the very first and most important person from whom I probably got this passion for cars is my father. Even as a kid, the sheer sound of an engine, the speed and the feeling of the car work and move made me happy. I used to love sitting with my father in his car and pretend to drive; and dream of the day that I would be behind the wheel of my own vehicle. The smell of a clean car, the sound, the feel and touch of the interiors, the mere power of the engine and of course the BEAUTY of the machine; all this comes together, to make you feel in sync with the machine as you drive. So, for me it was an extremely engaging sensory experience like no other.
It was not easy to get the taste of it till a very long time, as my father was of the opinion that before you even start to drive, let alone own a car, you need to learn to take care of it. His belief was that a car is an expression of your personality. The comfort and the freedom you get from using your vehicle, to a large extent depends on how well you maintain it. This was the the seed, planted years ago which is being brought to fruition in ‘Guruz’. So, you see my career in this field actually started by me washing and cleaning my father’s cars every weekend.
From passion to today
As I went on my own life journey, I started working in a MNC in Spain and of course the first big thing I invested in was a new Opel Calibra 1991. The feeling I got from driving it and taking care of it was unmatched. As they say, things that you learn in childhood are your foundation for life, so it almost became therapeutic for me to take care of my own car. It became more than my habit, a passion…… Till today, those times are one of my favorite memories.
Then along came my partner and the fun for going on long drives and the experience and excitement of driving just doubled up. It took some time for her to understand the obsession I had with keeping my cars always clean and shining.
We had a reasonably comfortable life, when we received our greatest blessing in the shape of our daughter. She came in this world with her own life challenges, as we like to call it now, but at that moment we had a whole bunch of different feelings; feelings of being overwhelmed, overjoyed, concerned, confused and lost, like someone landing in an unknown territory with no information to deal with what’s on hand.
My love and passion
She is a child with special needs. From that point on, it was just trying to find ways and means to provide her with the best possible opportunities so she can build her life to the best of her abilities. It was just with this idea that we moved to Sweden, as the rehabilitation and research for kids with Down’s Syndrome is really impressive here. I must admit it was very overwhelming and challenging to just leave everything back home in India and start from scratch in a new country, which is exactly what we did ……… The reward of it, is the joy and pride which we feel today when we look at her thriving and learning and living her best life, which more than compensates for anything we may have felt back then.
Here, in Sweden, I tried on every single chance or opportunity, to get a job, for quite some time. Just as I was about to lose hope, I got my first break, my first job here, that of a cleaner in a cleaning company. From a corporate executive to a cleaner….. of course it was a struggle, a daily fight to not give up and keep going . Surprisingly, in the midst of all this, my love and passion for my car always remained. I remember, even after a long day at work and family responsibilities, I would go and unwind by cleaning my car.
Long story short
After a long struggle, about a year back I got an opportunity to work with a car cleaning company, which at the time I thought was an excellent opportunity for me. It was just the kind of work which I actually enjoyed. I put all my effort into learning and performing to the best of my ability. As life would have it, there were some unexpected events and things changed again, though I am truly grateful for all that I got to learn at that workplace.
Sometimes life has other plans for you. I found myself in a position again where I had to find another job. It seemed like another uphill climb. It was at that time that the people whom I worked with / collaborated with / met during my job, suggested that I should do my own work.
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